
Menampilkan postingan dari 2012

Zonasi Daerah Bahaya Kegempaan Dengan Pendekatan Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)

Presented in Seminar Nasional Informatika (SemnasIF) 2012, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta 20 Juni 2012 OLEH : EDY IRWANSYAH  dan EDI WINARKO   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun zonasi daerah bahaya kegempaan pada infrastruktur bangunan di kota Banda Aceh menggunakan pendekatan nilai peak ground acceleration (PGA) dari fungsi atenuasi global dan lokal. PGA dihitung menggunakan fungsi antenuasi yang menggambarkan korelasi antara intensitas gerakan tanah setempat, magnitude gempa dan jarak dari sumber gempa. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari katalog gempa merusak badan meteorologi, klimatologi dan geofisika rentang tahun 1973 – 2011. Metode penelitian terdiri dari enam tahapan yaitu pembuatan grid, perhitungan jarak dari sumber gempa ke centroid grid, perhitungan nilai PGA, pengembangan aplikasi komputer, ploting nilai PGA di centroid grid,  dan penyusunan zona bahaya kegempaan dengan algoritma kriging . Kesimpulan penelitian  adalah bahwa fungsi atenuasi global y...

Geographic Information System For Earthquake Monitoring and Tsunami Early Warning System

Paper in Journal Informatika Vol 11 No 1. 2012, PETRA University Surabaya ISSN : 1411-0105 BY : EDY IRWANSYAH, TRI BUANA SAPUTRA, LIM PIU, KRISNA WIRANGGA This Research conducted to develop geographic information system (GIS) that can be used to manage data and visualize the earthquake information. The research methodology consisted of collecting spatial data and non spatial data and system design. System design consists of designing the flow of data, designing databases, designing menus and design screens. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that GIS is developed to display information about how the earthquake that has been and is happening with magnitude parameters in a visual form suitable conditions. GIS is designed to use its own database and have the capacity to perform spatial data processing and non-spatial to generate a tsunami early warning system. This system can also simplify and accelerate the delivery of earthquake information to the public. Docum...

Forest Carbon Stocks Estimation Using Multiresolution Satellite Imagery Through Support Vector Machine (SVM) Approach (A Literature Review)

Presented in BINUS ICT Conference 2011- Jakarta 15 - 16th, August 2011 BY : EDY IRWANSYAH The Study to be conducted with the aimed to developing new methods for estimating tropical forest carbon stock using multi-resolution and multi-temporal satellite imagery with support vector machine (SVM) approach. To cover large area, a coarse resolution imagery of MODIS with seven band will be use as an input and high resolution imagery-QUICKBIRD for training data.  The main approach in the study will comprises four steps deriving forest cover vegetation (forest type and forest density) from QUICKBIRD imagery using clustering algorithm, constructing predictor variables derived from MODIS satellite imagery such as surface reflectance, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference soil index (NDSI) and one ground-measured variable - shortwave radiation, Train the SVM  using predictor, apply extended domain of SVM for regression approximation and evaluate model p...

Banda Aceh City - Building Damage Information System (BDIS) After Sumatera (Indonesia) Earthquake 2004

Presented in AIWEST-DR 2010, Banda Aceh November 23- 24th, 2010 BY : EDY IRWANSYAH AND SHAHNAWAZ Building Resistence GIS based Building damage information system (BDIS) has been developed using a combination of GIS Data, high resolution IKONOS images, aerial photographs and substantiated through field surveys as well as the data collected from various institutions. The present building earthquake resistance (PER), was calculated using formula BER – NER = PER where building earthquake resistance-BER (in richter scale) and number of earthquake resistance-NER (in richter scale). Buiding earthquake resistance (BER) and present building earthquake resistence (PER) are calculated (in richter scale) using constant value of resistance equal with 0.1 (CR=0.1). All result are stored and managed in a geo-database structured as relational database management system (RDBMS). In pilot area in Setui village (Affected by Earthquake not by tsunami), type of building usage predominated by non com...