Banda Aceh City - Building Damage Information System (BDIS) After Sumatera (Indonesia) Earthquake 2004

Presented in AIWEST-DR 2010, Banda Aceh November 23- 24th, 2010


Building Resistence
GIS based Building damage information system (BDIS) has been developed using a combination of GIS Data, high resolution IKONOS images, aerial photographs and substantiated through field surveys as well as the data collected from various institutions.
The present building earthquake resistance (PER), was calculated using formula BER – NER = PER where building earthquake resistance-BER (in richter scale) and number of earthquake resistance-NER (in richter scale). Buiding earthquake resistance (BER) and present building earthquake resistence (PER) are calculated (in richter scale) using constant value of resistance equal with 0.1 (CR=0.1).
All result are stored and managed in a geo-database structured as relational database management system (RDBMS).
In pilot area in Setui village (Affected by Earthquake not by tsunami), type of building usage predominated by non commercial building with more than 90 percent with buildings age between 3 to 40 years. Most of the buildings with commercial functions are older than 30 years with building size generally wider than others part automatically have level of low earthquake resistance (less than 5 richters scale).

Complete paper can be downloaded at :


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