Data Clustering and Zonation of Earthquake Building Damage Hazard Area Using FKCN and Kriging Algorithm
Paper in LNCS Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Vol 26 by Springer, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-07353-8_20 Edy Irwansyah and Sri Hartati The objective of this research is to construct the zonation of earthquake building damage hazard area using fuzzy kohonen clustering network (FKCN) algorithm for data clustering and kriging algorithm for data interpolation. Data used consists of the earth data in the form of peak ground acceleration (PGA), lithology and topographic zones and Iris plant database for algorithm validation. This research is comprised into three steps which are data normalization, data clustering and data interpolation using FKCN and kriging algorithm and the construction of zonation. Clusterization produces three classes of building damage hazard data. The first class is consisting of medium PGA,dominantby high compaction lithology in the topography of inland area. The second class with low PGA, dominant low compaction lithology in the lowland topograph...