
Menampilkan postingan dari 2013
Tepat pukul 07.00 WIB pada tanggal 11 bulan 12 tahun 2013, hasil yudisium penilaian sertifikasi dosen baik gelombang 1 maupun gelompang 2 diumumkan secara serentak melalui Sebagai peserta yang dinilai, saya termasuk salah satu yang dinyatakan lulus sertifikasi dan berhak menyandang predikat sebagai dosen atau tenaga pendidik profesional. Sertifikasi ini melengkapi sertifikasi profesional sebagai ahli madya dalam bidang sistem informasi geografis (SIG) yang sebelumnya telah dikeluarkan oleh Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia pada tahun 2012.

[Book] Geographic Information System Using IDRISI Software: Application in Forest Management

By : Edy Irwansyah GeoInforma Publisher - ISBN : 978 602 193 330 5 This book is completely composed of two major parts of the contents and attachments. The first part consists of seven sections as follows: First part: General Forest Management and Locating Optimal Harvest Area.The aim of this first part is try to identifying area suitable for leasing to Timber Company for timber harvesting with different parameters. Second part: Habitat Analysis in Kootenay National Park, British Columbia, Canada The aim of this part is introduce to several GIS tools used for the most fundamental of analytical operation-the attribute query. Third part: Mapping suitable location for reforestation eucaliptus in Africa. The aim of this part is introduce to IDRISI GIS analysis for mapping suitable location for reforestation-eucaliptus species in Africa. Fourth part: Gypsy Moth defoliation of forest in Northeastern North America. The aim of this part is solve problem regarding with gypsy mot...

Spatial Data Clustering and Zonation of Earthquake Building Damage Hazard Area

The Paper presented at International Conference on Advance Science and Contemporary Engineering (ICASCE 2013) and published in journal of EPJ Web of Conferences (Springer) - Index in Scopus By Edy Irwansyah dan Edi Winarko Research conducted with the aim to develop spatial data cluster and analyse the characteristics of each cluster of data in order to develop spatial zonation of building damage hazard caused by the earthquake in the city of Banda Aceh. The data used consists of the data peak ground acceleration (PGA), lithology and topographic zone data with the four phases of the study consisted of data normalization with min-max method, determination of optimum data group with the connectivity index, Dunn index and the Silhouette index, clustering of data with the k -Means algorithm and the data interpolation using kriging algorithm to construct the zonation of hazard area. The optimum numbers of clusters used in these researches are two, with the first 170 data largely conce...

[Buku] Sistem Informasi Geografis : Prinsip Dasar dan Pengembangan Aplikasi

Penulis : Edy Irwansyah  Penerbit Digibooks Yogyakarta, ISBN : 978-602-97979-7-8 Buku ini secara garis besar terdiri dari dua bagian utama yaitu bagian yang membahas prinsip dasar sistem informasi geografis dan bagian kedua merupakan contoh pengembangan aplikasi SIG. Bagian pertama terdiri dari tiga belas sub bagian (Bab) yaitu  dasar SIG, data spasial, spasial data modeling, data analisis, pemodelan analitis pada SIG, keluaran SIG, SIG yang terdistribusi dan terbuka, pengembangan metode komputer untuk menangani data spasial, berbagai issue di bidang SIG, manajemen basisdata SIG, desain proyek SIG dan manajemen, dan masa depan SIG. Bagian kedua terdiri dari dua sub bagian (Bab) meliputi pengembangan aplikasi SIG berbasis desktop dan pengembangan aplikasi SIG berbasis web. Link :

Earthquake hazard zonation using peak ground acceleration (PGA) approach

Paper in Int. Journal of Physic:Conference Series  Vol 423  012067 (IScopus)   doi:10.1088/1742-6596/423/1/012067 E Irwansyah , E Winarko 2 , Z E Rasjid  and R D Bekti The objective of this research is to develop seismic hazard area zones in the building infrastructure of the Banda Aceh City Indonesia using peak ground acceleration (PGA) measured using global and local attenuation function. PGA is calculated using attenuation function that describes the correlation between the local ground movement intensity the earthquake magnitude and the distance from the earthquake's epicentre. The data used comes from the earthquake damage catalogue available from the Indonesia meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency (BMKG) with range from year 1973 – 2011. The research methodology consists of six steps, which is developing the grid, calculation of the distance from the epicentre to the centroid of the grid, calculation of PGA values, developing the computer applica...