
Menampilkan postingan dari 2011

Building Damage Assessment Using Remote Sensing, Aerial Photograph and GIS Data Case Study in Banda Aceh after Sumatera Earthquake 2004

Building Damage Distribution Presented in SITIA-2010 - ITS, Surabaya 9th October 2010 BY : EDY IRWANSYAH The impact assessment of Sumatera earthquake 2004 estimated that around 19 percent of the approximately 820,000 building units in the affected district suffered around 50 percent damage while nearly 14 percent were totally destroyed. This GIS based assessment has been carried out using a combination of data extracted from high resolution IKONOS images, aerial photographs and substaitiated through field surveys as well as the data collected from various institutions. Building damage in Banda Aceh City (BAC) has been classified in five class and continue re- classification with visual image interpretation based on European Microseismic Scale (EMS) classification. From the total 27,796 building units in BAC, 35 percent are classified as totally destruction, 29 percent on slightly till moderate damage condition and 36 percent just flooded upon tsunami. Calculation cost of damage ...

Earthquake Disaster Risk Geographical Information System (GIS) For Banda Aceh City and Surrounding

Building in Soft Soil In Banda Aceh Presented in AIWEST-DR 2011 -  Banda Aceh 22 - 23th Nov 2011 BY : EDY IRWANSYAH,  IQBAL. S, M. IKHSAN, R.I MADE OKA YOGA The research objective is to design a geographic information system (GIS) that has the ability to perform zoning earthquake-prone areas in the city of Banda Aceh and surrounding from the peak ground acceleration (PGA) value. Using historical data and the occurrence of new earthquakes, the system automatically calculates the value of ground acceleration (PGA) and zoning prone areas from the point of the earthquake. The methodology used in this study includes analysis and design methods. Analysis method consists of two stages namely stage of seismic data collection period 1973 - 2011 by magnitude more than 5 on the Richter scale and the calculation of the earthquake acceleration in bedrock using formula of the Crouse attenuation. Design method comprises several stages in a structured, namely designing data flow diagr...

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Selamat datang di Blog Edy Irwansyah-Catatan Perjalanan Keilmuan. Blog ini didedikasikan bagi rekan rekan peneliti dan pemerhati dalam bidang Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dan Penginderaan Jauh  khususnya dalam bidang mitigasi bencana alam (natural disaster mitigation). Semoga catatan ini memberi kontribusi yang berarti dalam khazanah keilmuan.