
[Buku] Pengantar Teknologi Informasi

Penulis : Edy Irwansyah dan Jurike V. Moniaga Penerbit : deePublish Yogyakarta, ISBN : 978-602-28036-9-0 Teknologi Informasi atau Information technology adalah pengertian umum untuk berbagai jenis teknologi tersedia yang tujuan membantu manusia untuk menjalani hidup dengan lebih mudah dan lebih baik dalam membuat, mengubah, menyimpan, mengkomunikasikan dan/atau menyebarkan informasi. Teknologi informasi menyatukan komputasi dan komunikasi baik dalam berupa data, suara, maupun video yang dalam penerapannya dapat berupa komputer pribadi, telepon, TV, peralatan rumah tangga elektronik, dan peranti bergerak/mobile (smarphone, computer tablet) Materi buku ini secara prinsip merupakan materi pengajaran untuk mata kuliah Pengantar Teknologi Informasi (PTI) diberbagai jurusan dilingkungan Universitas Bina Nusantara terutama di Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer. Selain digunakan sebagai materi ajar, buku ini juga dapat digunakan oleh pemula dari ...

Mapping of Illiteracy and Information and Communication Technology Indicators Using Geographically Weighted Regression

Paper in Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Vol.10(2) p. 130-138 by Science Publications, DOI  :  10.3844/jmssp.2014.130.138 Rokhana Dwi Bekti, Andiyono and Edy Irwansyah Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a technique that brings the framework of a simple regression model into a weighted regression model. Each parameter in this model is calculated at each point geographical location. The significantly parameter can be used for mapping. In this research GWR model use for mapping Information and Communication Technology (ICT) indicators which influence on illiteracy. This problem was solved by estimation GWR model. The process was developing optimum bandwidth, weighted by kernel bisquare and parameter estimation. Mapping of ICT indicators was done by P-value. This research use data 29 regencies and 9 cities in East Java Province, Indonesia. GWR model compute the variables that significantly affect on illiteracy (? = 5%) in some locations, such as percent househ...

Assessment of Building Damage Hazard Caused by Earthquake: Integration of FNN and GIS

Paper in IERI Procedia Vol 10 2014 p196-202 by Elsevier, DOI : 10.1016/j.ieri.2014.09.077  Edy Irwansyah and Sri Hartati The objective of this research is to develop an integrated system that implements FNN and GIS to evaluate the building damage hazard caused by earthquake and to calculate the economic losses of damage. This research comprises of four steps which is the development of building damage hazard zones, the development of building database, the assessment of building damage hazard and the impact of economic losses in of damage. The result of the analysis showed that more than 97 percent of the functions of buildings in research location is a low hazard of building damage, where residential/commercial type and educational/religious facilities majority is in moderate to high hazard zone of building damage. The direct economic loss due to building damages caused by earthquake in Banda Aceh city Indonesia is estimated around 1,518,831,150,000 in Indonesia rupiah ...

Data Clustering and Zonation of Earthquake Building Damage Hazard Area Using FKCN and Kriging Algorithm

Paper in LNCS Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Vol 26 by Springer, DOI :  10.1007/978-3-319-07353-8_20 Edy Irwansyah and Sri Hartati The objective of this research is to construct the zonation of earthquake building damage hazard area using fuzzy kohonen clustering network (FKCN) algorithm for data clustering and kriging algorithm for data interpolation. Data used consists of the earth data in the form of peak ground acceleration (PGA), lithology and topographic zones and Iris plant database for algorithm validation. This research is comprised into three steps which are data normalization, data clustering and data interpolation using FKCN and kriging algorithm and the construction of zonation. Clusterization produces three classes of building damage hazard data. The first class is consisting of medium PGA,dominantby high compaction lithology in the topography of inland area. The second class with low PGA, dominant low compaction lithology in the lowland topograph...
Tepat pukul 07.00 WIB pada tanggal 11 bulan 12 tahun 2013, hasil yudisium penilaian sertifikasi dosen baik gelombang 1 maupun gelompang 2 diumumkan secara serentak melalui Sebagai peserta yang dinilai, saya termasuk salah satu yang dinyatakan lulus sertifikasi dan berhak menyandang predikat sebagai dosen atau tenaga pendidik profesional. Sertifikasi ini melengkapi sertifikasi profesional sebagai ahli madya dalam bidang sistem informasi geografis (SIG) yang sebelumnya telah dikeluarkan oleh Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia pada tahun 2012.

[Book] Geographic Information System Using IDRISI Software: Application in Forest Management

By : Edy Irwansyah GeoInforma Publisher - ISBN : 978 602 193 330 5 This book is completely composed of two major parts of the contents and attachments. The first part consists of seven sections as follows: First part: General Forest Management and Locating Optimal Harvest Area.The aim of this first part is try to identifying area suitable for leasing to Timber Company for timber harvesting with different parameters. Second part: Habitat Analysis in Kootenay National Park, British Columbia, Canada The aim of this part is introduce to several GIS tools used for the most fundamental of analytical operation-the attribute query. Third part: Mapping suitable location for reforestation eucaliptus in Africa. The aim of this part is introduce to IDRISI GIS analysis for mapping suitable location for reforestation-eucaliptus species in Africa. Fourth part: Gypsy Moth defoliation of forest in Northeastern North America. The aim of this part is solve problem regarding with gypsy mot...

Spatial Data Clustering and Zonation of Earthquake Building Damage Hazard Area

The Paper presented at International Conference on Advance Science and Contemporary Engineering (ICASCE 2013) and published in journal of EPJ Web of Conferences (Springer) - Index in Scopus By Edy Irwansyah dan Edi Winarko Research conducted with the aim to develop spatial data cluster and analyse the characteristics of each cluster of data in order to develop spatial zonation of building damage hazard caused by the earthquake in the city of Banda Aceh. The data used consists of the data peak ground acceleration (PGA), lithology and topographic zone data with the four phases of the study consisted of data normalization with min-max method, determination of optimum data group with the connectivity index, Dunn index and the Silhouette index, clustering of data with the k -Means algorithm and the data interpolation using kriging algorithm to construct the zonation of hazard area. The optimum numbers of clusters used in these researches are two, with the first 170 data largely conce...